Crazy About Sports offers tennis, karate, and volleyball programs to survivors of human trafficking and domestic servitude. In doing so, it enables participants to develop new skills, confidence, hope, and resiliency. Started as a tennis program in 2018, it is now an official part of The Voice of the Free’s formal therapy program and is accredited by the Philippine Department of Education.

Crazy About Tennis
Crazy About Tennis is the first sports program developed by the Voice of the Free. Since its inception, it has expanded to offer tennis instructions and special events to close to a hundred survivors. In addition, the Crazy About Tennis program is now very pleased to offer four-year college and vocational scholarships, which currently enable over a dozen survivors to further realize their dreams.

Crazy About Karate
Crazy About Karate was the second sports program developed for survivors. In addition to weekly karate training, students are invited to attend karate exhibitions and tournaments. Once rehabilitated, past participants of the program have access to the nationwide network of karate clubs to enable them to continue developing their karate proficiency.

Crazy About Volleyball
Crazy About Volleyball is the newest program and has naturally progressed to encompass general fitness, made possible by the creation of a fully furnished fitness gym. This program focuses on skills development from basic techniques to advanced strategies while also emphasizing overall physical fitness.
With deep gratitude to our generous sponsors who make these programs possible!
“As we reflect on the remarkable journey of the survivors in our Crazy About Tennis scholarship programs, your kindness, and your generosity have been the driving forces behind a transformation that goes beyond education—it is a transformation of spirits, dreams, and hopes. These graduates have not only earned degrees but have also gained a renewed self-worth, dignity, and the belief that they can shape their destinies not only for themselves but also for their families. Your generosity has left an indelible mark, and we are forever grateful for the transformative power of your compassion. These graduates stand as living testaments to the positive change that can be achieved through acts of kindness and support.”